Memorandum of Understanding between Units, Uniud, Trieste Area Science Park, SISSA, OGS, CNR-DSFTM, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. and Snam S.p.A.

The Parties, in the context of their respective purposes and functions, will make use of their technical and scientific expertise, as well as of their facilities and equipment to explore the mutual interest in the creation of synergies and projects (the “Activities”) in the following fields energy transition and sustainability, in particular the activities will focus on:

-Hydrogen for Port logistics and Maritime Mobility

-Hydrogen for Steel Manufacturing

-Hydrogen for decarbonization

Accordo quadro tra Università di Trieste e Akka Italia S.r.l.u.

Le parti si impegnano a svolgere le seguenti attività: creazione di sinergie per attività di orientamento, formazione e placement; organizzazione di eventi quali Recruiting Day, Challenge e Hackathon; seminari, workshop, presentazioni, programmi di formazione; ricerca e selezione di giovani studenti/laureati dell’Università; inserimento di studenti e laureati dell’Università in progetti o in

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